Sunday, March 11, 2012

New Site, New Opportunities

I should have a couple of reviews up this week on a new site. It is called DC Metro Theater Arts . My first two reviews are really neat concerts. The site will still have a lot of theatre coverage which I will be a part of, but it will also have a lot more music coverage. Which means I will be covering a lot more music, which I do anyway so it is a great fit. There will be some movie coverage and art coverage as well, so the site will be more inclusive to the wonderful art scene around Washington, D.C.

I might also start writing for another site about music as well which has the possibility of print articles as well. I don't want to blog too much about that before it happens. In the mean time my reviews are going out a little slower. It also means some of my material to blog about here hasn't been available. However, things should speed up soon.

Plus right now I am not signed up for a lot. I know you all have heard that before and end up covering a bunch of stuff.

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