Sunday, March 18, 2012

Busy Weekend at Home

Pretty quite weekend for me. I had to run some errands Saturday morning so I took my daughter with me and we watched the latest Alvin and the Chipmunks movie. I think I have taken her to many theatre shows she came out and asked where the characters were at the end of the show?

My wife took advantage of me away to go have a girls day out. So I tried to get some writing done. Well the interruptions and the nap didn't help. Oh well family is more important anyway. So Saturday evening I tried to get a shamrock shake from McDonalds with the kids. They were out! So I fed the teenager and the other youngster and I had a drink. Then I called my wife and  asked her to pick up a shake for me. No luck she went to two and they were sold out.

I didn't need one. Heck my ever growing waist size tells me that. However, it was a craving...

Anyway I ended up finishing what I needed to write on Sunday and then I hung out with the family not getting the other writing done. Oh well hopefully I will get some done on Monday.

A lot of cool thinks are happening on the writing side. The writing that tied me up this weekend was for a music magazine for a print article. Hopefully that will pan out. I will have a music column up and running soon.
So lots of things going on...

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