Thursday, February 2, 2012

Post 500

I have reached the 500 post mark. It only took 4.5 years give or take. I think the blog is getting better as I am getting a bit more savvy. I have finally been able to add youtube videos and pictures to the posts. Yes there is still a lot of shame less self promotion but I like to add more to it then just telling you about an article. Hopefully, a little extra. The blog hasn't all been shameless self promotion.

I've try to play it forward. Lately, I have participated in some games, challenges to make blogging a little more interesting. Through the 500 posts I have informed about deaths. In 4.5 years we have lost some talented folks. I don't get them all. I also try to share things. There are a lot of blogs I think of that just don't get  typed. 

What will the next blog be about? I have some ideas but I don't know. The blog is getting stronger and better. Lately there has been more music. I try to balance it a bit. However, it is what it is as the saying goes. It is still my ramblings. So buckle up and enjoy the ride! I plan on rambling on...

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