Monday, February 20, 2012

Hunter S. Thompson Gone Seven Years

I'd like to think thee is a bit of Hunter S. Thompson in my writing. I'll never be him nor do I want to be him. I don't write like him, for good or bad. However, I am not the typical writer and I don't always follow the rules.
I've enjoyed Hunter's books. I still have quite a few to read. My favorite is probably most people's favorite "Fear in Loathing in Las Vegas." Here is a trailer for the movie based on his book:

Here is a great tribute from Anita Thompson..please read here. I realize he touched more people and influenced more writers then he touched or influenced me. That is why I picked him as the subject of today's blog to celebrate his life and writings.

Since the elections are coming up here is Hunter S. Thompson on Letterman in 1988 talking about those presidential elections..

Please feel free to leave your thoughts on Hunter S. Thompson in the comments. 

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