Monday, January 2, 2012

What Did I do for New Years?

I know I wrote a bunch of articles about Blues Shows and the likes around the area. So perhaps a few of you were wondering how I spent New Year's Eve.Well I had resigned myself to spending a quiet night at home mainly since the paycheck from the day job did not coincide with New Year's Eve parties especially since the Eve part comes at the end of the month when my bills are due. Anyway I did go out and I did indeed listen to life blues music.

No it wasn't the Blues Vultures or Little Feat. It was not Mary Ann Redmond, Melvin Taylor, or Tom Principato  All of whom I assume put on great shows but were a little far for me for a New Years Show. I did get to see Tom earlier this year and he put on a great show. Melvin would have been great to see since I haven't seen him before and he is not local. Mary Ann Redmond would have been nice to listen to as well but she is semi local so perhaps I will get another chance.

I didn't even see Terry Oates and the Mudcats even though I parked in the same parking garage as the hotel he was playing at. Instead I went to see Paul Pfau. A local blues guitarist who had a big year in 2011 playing in clubs like Washington's 9:30 Club. Paul has a huge future in front of him. It is funny I became familiar with both Terry Oates and Paul Pfau through the Bluesgate Jams. Paul even shared the stage for a bit with another Bluesgater Rich Carter who sang a few songs.

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