Saturday, January 28, 2012

Different Adams: Bryan and Ryan

This week I was able to review two concerts.One was on Monday and one on Tuesday. Both of them were at the fabulous Strathmore Music Center in Bethesda, Maryland. The artists even had rhyming names Bryan Adams and Ryan Adams. Similarities continued as both artists were performing without bands. The music however was very different and I enjoyed both shows.

Bryan Adams

Here is a link to my review of the Bryan Adams show. I was thrilled to find out the review made it onto Bryan Adams official website. Here is a song he played that evening off of his "Bare Bones" album.

Ryan Adams

At this show I had the pleasure of meeting a die hard Ryan Adams fan and she liked my review! Here is a link to that review. Here is a song he performed at that show. It is his final show before the encores. Here is is thanks to youtube..

Well working on some more stuff..

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