Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Back in Swing! Golf is Back

New Year's also ushered in the new golf season. I am continuing my golf beat this season. So far I have covered all the PGA Tour events and the European Tour. I may dive into the other pro tours once they get started.

First off was the 2012 African Open which you can read about here.

Second was the Tournament of Champions on the PGA side.You can read about it here.

Here is Steve Stricker in action off of Youtube...

Then back to Africa for the Joburg open which you can read about here.Below are some images from the open from youtube...

Finally the Sony Open on the PGA side you can read my take on it here. Here is some golf action from that open..

Now that it is 28 degrees outside it would be nice to be sent to some of these locations to cover them in person...

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