Tuesday, December 20, 2011

In the Spirit of Paying it Forward

I did this a while back a couple of times with bloggers. This time I am going to do it with some other writers. This blog entry is going to stay on the paying it forward theme.

Cyle Durkee wrote a great column on the Maryland Theatre Guide on helping out the theatre. Cyle is an actor, singer, dancer, who has delved into choreographing and directing in the Washington, D.C. area. He has a very entertaining style of writing filled with wit. Theaters and production companies are struggling in this economy and definitely can benefit from the support of others. Without theater I would have one less thing to write about. One less creative vise would be out there. As a music fan I have seen the correlation between music and theatre and dance as well.

A Christmas Carol kind of has that pay it forward theme to it. Scrooge changes his heart. If you are still looking to see it for the holidays let me suggest the show at the Olney Theatre Center. I was very impressed with the venue when I saw The Sound of Music there. I can only imagine their version of A Christmas Carol is very wonderful. Don't take my word for it read Amanda Gunther's review.

Hey, I do kind of have a Holiday theme going this week.Let's keep it going Season's Greetings.

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