Monday, November 14, 2011

Poetry Update

I had not posted anything on my poetry since September 4, 2011. Then again I haven't written a lot of poetry since then. Well my latest is a haiku which was suppose to be about winter. As a skier I like snow, but sometimes it might be too much. You can read that here.

I've wrote more poetry this year than I have in quite a while. I have a bunch more that I wrote in my younger years but they were kind of private. Now that I am older I write more public. Everything changes and this one is about the season Fall. You can read that here.

Then I did a quick Haiku about a rabbit you can read that here Poetry: Haiku about rabbits - by Mike Spain - Helium. I guess it is silly Haiku night as I wrote one about beavers too. Poetry: Haiku about beavers - by Mike Spain - Helium.

And since my anniversary just past let me leave with It is a stab at a poem in the villanelle style on marriage.I wrote this one a year ago so I am digging up something a little older.

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