Tuesday, November 1, 2011

In Hiding!

Okay not really in hiding. However, due to the freak October snowstorm. I don't have to worry pruning those trees. Oh and since I did not have electricity from Saturday morning until late Sunday I got to take a mini vacation of two nights in a motel. I'm sure I saved a bundle on heating costs.

Well I ended up staying in a nearby town. No real vacation.We had a few inches of snow the town had a dusting. However, the wi-fi was down due to the weather. So it was a rather lo-fi weekend. Then Monday I was playing catch up on other writing things and it was Halloween so I took my youngest out. Tonight was my son's last JV football game of the season. They won. Which was better than the Gators or my fantasy team did.

Needless to say this blog was put on the back burner. Well it could have been worse no one was hurt. The branches that hit he house were only branches though some were pretty big, they were not trees. The power came back on a day and a half later but that is better than a week. I guess things can really get worse.

Interesting year we were brushed by a tropical storm, felt an earthquake, and now October snow that was more than flurries. Maybe I should go in hiding...

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