Wednesday, October 5, 2011

R.I.P Bert Jansch

I discovered Bert Jansch much the same way I discovered the blues. Through continued exploration of music where Led Zeppelin had left off. Through that band and others opening the doors I was able to discover and explore and develop my own taste. Bert wasn't blues but then again Zeppelin was not just blues based rocked. Jimmy Page "pinched" some of Bert's arrangements and made them his own. Bert Jansch was one of the acoustic, folk influences that was present in the band.Here is a prime example of that influence with Zeppelin:

Bert influenced many more than just Jimmy Page. The list includes Neil Young and Oasis to name a couple.
Rolling Stone Magazine named him one of 100 influential guitarists of all time. In a Washington Post obituary Neil young called him "as much of a great guitar player as Jimi Hendrix was."Below is a song that Neil confessed he copped a lot and was a lot of Bert in this song.

The song it was influenced by:

For more I would recommend the Washington Post obituary here.

I will add some more Bert down on my blog where I have something from you tube.
In the meantime here is some more Bert:

R.I.P. Bert Jansch

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