Friday, October 21, 2011

Pay it Forward Encore

Yes the Pay it Forward Festival was last Friday but it was so much fun I am going to do it again.

First up The Quintessentially Questionable Query Experiment by Matthew MacNish and Alex J. Cavanaugh and his blog. They are the people who put together the Pay it Forward Blogfest so kudos to both of them.

Okay in the spirit of things here is another blog from the fest called Fiction and Film. by Kate Larkindale. Like me she is a writer, she review films I haven't dived into that yet but I do review plays. She's a mother I am a father. She doesn't get much sleep and either do I. So we have a lot in common but she writes an enjoyable blog check her out.

Next up Janice Phelps Williams Appalachian Morning. Well, I wake up to one every day living in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains, I am literally just a few hundred yards from the Appalachian Trail. Janice is a writer, illustrator, artist, creative gem check out her stuff at her blog.

Well that's what I have this week...

1 comment:

  1. So much fun you did it twice! Nothing wrong with that. Found Fiction and Film last week through the blogfest. It's wild - sometimes we feel like we're already connected to so many blogs and then someone suggests one that we've never seen and no one we know follows it.
