Sunday, September 4, 2011

My Poetry

I hadn't realized I haven't pimped out my poetry on this blog since May. I have written a few since then.

I did a Father's Day poem which I got creative on form it is an acrostic formed by three haikus and an extra line. Since my dad has gone through a lot since I wrote it, it is still meaningful. He has gone through my Mom's battle with cancer(she won) and he had pretty serious open heart surgery. You can read the poem here.

Then I wrote a couple of Haikus. The first one is called The Siren. I also wrote one about hurricane Irene. I know Irene didn't do anything major around me, but I do understand other folks did not have it so lucky.

Well that catches everyone up on my poetry. I should have a busy month..with football and I am covering a few more plays this month as well. Stay tuned for more...

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