Thursday, August 25, 2011

Mike Flanagan

I'm a sports fan. Those who know me, know I am married into a baseball family. Those who read this blog know I write about players such as Beau. This is different...

I followed baseball as a kid. I would watch the Braves or Cubs game on TV with my Granddad who I visited in the summer. When the family of my youth settled down outside of Washington, D.C well I would occasionally go to baseball games in Baltimore at Memorial Stadium..

 Mike Flanagan was a Cy Young Award winning pitcher for the team I got to see.So, today when the news came he died it was a little personal. It was a player from my youth passing away. It was the passing of a memory.

The way he died was terrible. You assume a person like him who is living a dream life wouldn't have problems. But he is human and he had his problems. Maybe i t touches me more since I have problems, I have struggles but I am not suicidal. Yes but till today Mike Flanagan wasn't either. Scary thoughts.

I feel for his family who lost a husband, a dad, and for the fans who lost a hero, to his teammates who lost a team member, and to his friends who lost a friend.

 Mike Flanagan RIP

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