Sunday, May 1, 2011

A to Z: Zippity Do Dah

Zippity Do Dah it is going to be a sunshiny day. Okay not really 50% chance of showers. However, we are going to make it into a fabulous Zippity Do Dah day with plenty of Fun shine! My little girl loves cows, so we are going to see some today. She might even get to feed some! Of course she will be able to pet them.

There will be other animals like chicks, pigs, and maybe some surprises. Plus there will be some hayrides. So, it should be a fantastic day for her. Then I am planning to go to a blues jam with my wife later on in the day with my wife. It should be a fun, fun ,day.


  1. Mike, we did it! Congratulations! I have an award for you!!

  2. Sounds like a fun day! Did she get to pet the cow?

    I’m hosting Z to A in May, but I’m blogging at: Ross County Roundup

  3. I hope you have a wonderful zippity do da day!

