Wednesday, April 6, 2011

A to Z: Engine

I am not the engine that couldn't. I am the engine that could. I'm not the engine that is afraid to try. I am the engine that does. I am the engine that chugs along despite whatever setbacks happen. Really, March had it's share of setbacks. I had two interviews go bad. However, I got invited to a special place to cover a special event out of the blue. I am currently in the process of writing an article for a magazine. My first print article.Who cares about the rejections. I have heard the feedback from the folks who like what I do. That is more important to me anyway. I am building up to greater success despite the setbacks. I'm the engine and I have a long way to chug a long. Everyone should be their own engine. Short and sweet today.


  1. Congratulations on the article! You know what they say. When one door closes, another one opens.

  2. I think I can, I think I can ...
