Monday, April 4, 2011

A to Z: Cat Soup

What do you do with a big kitten who is into everything? You add some beans, carrots, potatoes, some spices and water and turn the heat up to make Cat Soup!

No we really didn't cook the cat. The cat likes to find little places to curl up in and one day he jumped on the stove and curled up in a pot. No cat was harmed.  took a picture of it and called it "Cat Soup." My three year old daughter has a good laugh with it and says "No Daddy Don't Eat the Cat."


  1. Hilarious! What is it with cats crawling into things they can curl up into? One of mine does the bathroom sink on occasion.

  2. That was funny, although I was prepared to be disgusted when I saw the blog title.

    Contrary to my usual practice of subscribing to comments, to save time during the challenge I will not be doing so at the moment. If you want to respond to my comment , please email me directly from your email notification for the comment.
    Thanks. And I truly appreciate your efforts.

    Tossing It Out

  3. Somewhere around here, I have a picture of a cat of ours who liked to sleep in an empty glass fishbowl.

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    Matt's Brew Log
