Friday, April 1, 2011

A to Z: April Fool's

Today is my day it is April Fool's Day so it is my holiday. A day for a fool. I kid, I am not really a fool(okay maybe I am) but like The Neville Brothers sing "Everybody Play's the Fool."

I am doing the April A-Z Challenge so for everyday except for Sunday one can expect a blog starting with the day's letter of the alphabet. Today's letter is A, hence the blog began with April. March is supposed to go out as either a Lion or a Lamb. I think that has more to do with weather. Me, it went out very busy with good, bad and the ugly.

Since, some folks think I am a fool my writing will be reduced in the coming months. Fewer business and sports articles. However, I finished March as a Lion in Sports with nine articles published in Yahoo! Sports or However, as one door closes another door opens. Yesterday, I interviewed a band and hopefully I will be published in a print magazine.

Well I am getting ready to head up to Philadelphia for the opening weekend of the baseball season. Which is good since tomorrow's letter is B. If you want to check back some of the past years I believe I have blogged about April Fool's before.

Well, you can be relieved I am not playing any April Fool's  day jokes. However, it would be nice if al the bad news went away as a bad April Fool's Joke.                


  1. Perhaps we have already fallen prey to the April Fool's joker this week, as he has been widely featured in various discussions ...

    Enjoy opening day.

    Go Cubs!

  2. April Fool's evident in one location or not, there are still plenty of opportunities for all of us out there. I've no doubt you'll be snatching them up.
