Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Remembering Leo

I never met Leo Fender. However, I own three of his guitars. Two Strats and a Tele in my collection. More important than my guitars..are what the masters of guitar playing have done with the guitars Leo had a hand in creating.

Anybody who reads my blog knows I like guitar music. I couldn't imagine a world with know Jimi Hendrix, Eric Clapton, Jeff Beck, David Gilmour..and the list could go on. More locally Danny Gatton, Tom Principato and I could go on. One of my favorite young guitarists Joanne Shaw Taylor. I know I am leaving out a ton but I think my point is made. Without Fender guitars and the musicians playing them the musical landscape would be different.

Leo Fender passed away 20 years ago yesterday..March 21, 1991. Funny my Telecaster is a 91. I probably should have posted something yesterday but the passing of Pinetop Perkins trumped it. Feel free to comment about your favorite Fender guitar or Fender playing guitarist. 

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