Monday, February 21, 2011

Homeless Shelter: Passing of a Belt

My youth is fading day by day. My waistline doesn't shrink like it used too. Needless to say I had a couple of belts at home I can't use anymore. Last night a gentleman came in to the homeless shelter and needed a belt. I asked him what size waist he had. Today when I went to the shelter I brought him a belt.

The belt work and he could use it. If it would have stayed at my house it would have been a useless piece of old leather. A big ice and snow storm was on the way tonight so I am glad the shelter was open for the guys who needed it.

There are two Vietnam era veterans at the shelter. There might be more veterans. Why are these veterans homeless? It is a shame. Our country sent them away to fight a war. No matter the politics soldiers, sailors ad airmen put their lives on the line in the name of our country. They deserve our thanks and gratitude. They follow orders. If they can get shot at, suffer all kinds of hell in the name of the country, why can't the country find them a home? They deserve better.

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