Wednesday, January 12, 2011

One Year Ago the Haiti Quake!

A 7.0 earthquake shook Haiti one year ago. The quake shattered lives. The lives of many poor Haitians. The lives of hospitals, schools, and most of the folks in the island country. People from across the world came together to help Haiti in their time of need.

The Quake killed over 200,000 people and left a million and a half people homeless, in a country which was poor to begin with.Money was donated, however Haiti still has a lot of rebuilding to do. The people struggle with wide spread diseases.

We can not forget the places where tragedy has hit. I don't have the answers but belief they come from remembering. We can't forget the Gulf Coast states in the United States hit by Katrina and the oil spill. The war turn places and the other places where natural disasters have hit. Take a moment to reflect, help where you can, and help find the answers.

1 comment:

  1. Definitely! It's important that we help where we can. I''m definitely trying to do my part. In the words of Martin Luther King Jr., "Life's most urgent question is: what are you doing for others?" We can change the world together! There's always power in numbers. What's happened in the gulf and in Haiti definitely have not been forgotten.
