Saturday, January 22, 2011

Back in the Skis

Most winters I would have been skiing quite a few times by now. I'd have a season pass, a night card, a discount program of some sort. This season I have none. This year is different. The weekends are the only time I get to spend with my wife and the whole family. So, if I was gone it wouldn't really help our relationship and wouldn't feel to right. During the week I have to take our daughter to daycare, so I don't really have the luxury of taking a night off during the week. So, a season pass or night card would not of made sense.

Honestly, I wasn't planning to ski at all this season. However, I got the call for a challenge at the Troegs Cup. So I got together what was left of the old Bombers, with a few additions. Putting the team back together..

Most of my ski buddies are in skiing shape. Not me. However, we have three really fast skiers in my age group. Even if I was in shape I wouldn't beat them. I hope my team wins. However, for me the pressure is off. Sure, I want to do well and earn my team some points. However, I can ski loose, have fun with it.

Well, I had a great evening covering the CASA concert which I blogged about earlier this week. I sent the pictures I want to use and I will write a review for it coming up. I think the cold kept some folks away. It was a great show with a lot of different music and a lot of talented musicians.

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