Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas

I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas. I was blessed enough to have a fantastic Christmas with my family. This whole Holiday Season has been special driving with my daughter and watching the Christmas Lights. Christmas Eve I spent doing some last minute shopping. Our family went to a late night church service which was beautiful. It was special to be back at the church we were married at, to see old friends, to see a beautiful service. Christmas Day was filled with wonderful gifts. No big ticket items. However, everyone was happy.

We didn't let the roast or turkey thaw. So, we really didn't have anything special plan. A friend came over with dinner cooked and we shared a bottle of wine. Really, they made our Christmas better. We spent the day listening to Christmas music and watching Christmas Movies. Simply, having a wonderful Christmas Time.

Seasons Greetings to you and yours!

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