Sunday, December 12, 2010

A Bad Season

Maybe I am just reaching an age where all my peers parents start to have serious issues. My mom is in the hospital recovering from cancer related surgery, an old friend of mine's dad is in the hospital recovering from a stroke and a heart attack. We were close when I was in high school and I have very fond memories of his Dad and going over and watching boxing. The man was always nice and treated me very well.

A person at work passed away last week. I didn't really know him. I have friends that did. I feel for the guys family and it is so sad since the guy was only 27. When you write about a celebrity's death it doesn't really hit home. You can appreciate their work and life goes on. When they are friends, family, and co-workers it hits a little closer to home.

When they come along so close together it is really a bad season.

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