Sunday, November 7, 2010

Creative Writing

Well I have eluded about writing more poetry as of late. I ti s true I have published about a half dozen or so on helium. Well I have earned a Bronze Creative Writing Badge on Helium with it so far. I am trying to compete in a writing contest, I have moved up to a high of #15 and I have fallen back into the 20's I need to be in the top three to win any money. We will see what happens.

It breaks down to two  acrostics, three sonnets, and three haiku. There are 20 titles in  the contest, so I guess I need to write 12 more. the contest ends on the 9th and results will be on the 24th. It is nice to write poetry again, after all poetry is where I started in writing. However, as I have aged I have written less and less of it. As my writing has concentrated on other things.

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