Friday, October 22, 2010

Crazy Week

What a week or so...maybe even a month. Last Wednesday I spoke at high school, then Thursday I left to go out of town for another speaking engagement on Friday. I managed to come back home on Sunday. It was nice to get away a break was long overdue. I was able to see friends I haven't seen in years. Then it was all work until Thursday. Thursday I went to a luncheon, then to my son's football game, and  then a banquet. Also on Thursday my parents came up. My mom had been battling cancer and really wanted to see her granddaughter something fierce.

Yesterday, I also got an email back from a publicist. It looks like I might be able to interview my most famous musician yet. I don't want to jinx myself but I am pretty excited about it. Friday, is my busy day at work. So, I am pretty exhausted from this running around and burning the candle at both ends. Tomorrow in the wee hours I am off to volunteer at SHARE. Then hopefully a lot of sleep at some point...

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