Monday, September 27, 2010

Fantasy Football

My team won by 14. However, it was a close match and my team pulled away at the end. However, it did come down to the wire. Monday night football decided the outcome up my match up, The real Monday Night Football was exciting and a very close game much like my fantasy match up.

This years team I am not overly excited about. I made a move last week and another move this week picking up some decent receivers. The team I face next week is 2-0-1 so it should be another close match up. However, isn't that the point of fantasy sports to add to the excitement of t he real game?

Well, Monday is down. I finished an article and I started a second one. I have a third article in my mind. I should crank out 8 articles by Thursday night. It is going to be tough I really need to get into the zone and it doesn't help that I have a very busy week this week. Oh well we will see how it pans out...

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