Saturday, September 18, 2010

40 years ago...

40 years ago Jimi Hendrix passed away. He passed away at the age of 27, way to young for anyone to pass away. He did a lot in his short life. He was an outstanding guitarist. Some would call him an innovator. Some would call him the best. It is hard to call someone the best guitarist. Different styles, different approaches...but I think it would be safe to say very few where on his level.

I've always wonder what music he would have turned out if he would have lived past 27. What ventures would he have done? Would there be a jazz album? A blues album? Sadly we will never know. Not only was he a fantastic guitar player I also was a fan of his lyrics.

Anyway here is to celebrating his life. Sadly his life ended before mine started but thank goodness there are the recordings...

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