Saturday, June 19, 2010

Press Passes

Today I am going to the Brunswick Music Festival, I have been granted Press Passes for the event. Another first for my writing career. Writing career might be a stretch, but it is heading towards that direction. It has definitely moved up from the hobby stretch, and might just the below the part time job, but right about at the right spot to rescue me from some bill or another.

To me it is not all about the money anyway. I am pretty lucky I do get to write about what I want to for the most part. Sometimes it is about the money and I take an assignment for a bigger payout. This year I am making more money with it, but at the same time I am writing a lot more. It is nice to be named a featured contributor, I was named to three this year. It wasn't cool to be rejected, but it made being named one more special because then I knew they weren't automatic and were more of an achievement. It was a big deal when I interviewed Jay A.Turner. Why? Because it was the first time I had interviewed someone. I was able to write something different. I even wrote some poetry, yes they were short Haiku. However, to me that was getting back to where I started writing a long time ago, when I first was published, a writing I didn't share very much since to me it was more personal.

So yes, I know to most journalist getting press passes to an event is no big deal. It is old hat they get them all the time. However, I don't so it is a big deal even if the artists are more regional. However, it is very diverse group a blues band from South Carolina Chocolate Thunder, some old time music, some blue glass, a regional funky blues band in the Kelly Bell Band. Regardless it should be a fun time, if I can avoid heat stroke and frying in the sun as it suppose to be hot and humid.

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