Friday, May 21, 2010

Yahoo Writing

Anyone who reads my blog knows I write for Associated Content.  I was going to say read my blog regularly, but I know no one does and since I don't even blog regularly I can't blame them. I shamelessly promote some of my articles I write.Relax none of that today. However, I did want to touch on some big news about Associated Content.

Associated Content was sold to Yahoo this week for a large sum of money. So, needless to say somewhere down the road change is going to happen. Some how the move is going to effect me. The changes could be great. It could be bigger pay,  more exposure, and more opportunities. The changes could also be negative, they might not like my writing, the pay could change, or they could change the way business is done. It is like looking at the half empty glass.

However, for the moment business has not changed. The half empty glass does not matter yet because I am not thirsty.  When I am thirsty, I will have to evaluate the cup.

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