Thursday, April 15, 2010


Been away a while. I was writing a bunch in March, to be honest probably too much. I have been trying to slow down a bit in April but I haven't had much success with that. I did go on vacation for a week. However, even while I was a way I had articles being published, I submitted another, and then I had an offer I couldn't refuse. A bigger upfront to write an article for a partner site.

Since, I have been writing so much for the main site I write for all of my other writing has taken a backseat. Which Includes this blog. Yes, I did write a bunch of sports articles in March, however I have published a bunch of non sport articles too. I still have a bunch to write on my plate and I know with the NFL draft coming up I will be busy again.

Well I am just passing through to give an update and say hi! Stay tuned for more...

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