Tuesday, March 2, 2010

March Writing Madness

Sorry, I have been away from the blog a bit. The winter storms, the laptop crashing, and life in general have kept me away from the blog. Plus when I have been writing it has been on articles. I am getting to a great point in my writing. I can write mostly about what I want to write about in music, business, and sports. I could do that before but now I am getting a little bit more money for it. Yes, I do still take the odd assignments as well. No, the money isn't good enough to quit my job. However, it is enough to pay a bill or two.

2010 so far has seen me take up another blog. The Orioles blog, which I have only submitted to sparingly. I also have written a few articles for the Tim Tebow site of course timing was bad on that. I discovered the site after the football season had ended. I have published 17 articles in the first two months.

March is going to be my month of writing madness. Unlike the NCAA March Madness mine is going to be about shattering personal records on the amount of articles written in a month. So, far this month I have three articles published and five waiting for approval. I have 19 more articles that I am committed to writing this month. That is 27 articles and it is only March 2. Sure it will take most of the month for me to write that many articles but it is possible I still might pick up even more. I also submitted my first post on the Orioles blog. Needless to say it will be interesting to see how this month unfolds.

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