Thursday, December 31, 2009

Goodbye 2009!

Here is to 2010, hopefully it will be a better year. 2009 wasn't a very good year for me. I had a couple of personal issues to deal with, another rib injury, a bout with the Swine Flu, car problems and I could go on and on.

On the writing side things went pretty good. I moved up to clout 9 on Associated Content. I started writing a little on Bukisa. I was also named as a Business and Finance Contributor on Associated Content. Not bad stuff at all...

I also became very involved with a non-profit group called Hope Alive. It is a transitional shelter for woman and children in Frederick County, Maryland. The experience has kept me both busy and has been very rewarding. I plan to be even more involved with them in 2010.

I hope to ski more in 2010. A lot of 2010 is up in the air as I have decisions to make. However, I hope to have more positives in 2010 than I had in 2009.

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