Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Weekly Football Update

My Fantasy Football needed Monday's game to win. My team won and beat the commissioner's team. My team is still in first place after the humbling loss last week. That team that beat me is back to .500 and won big again this week so they are on a roll.

In the college ranks, I ranked Temple. They have won 8 straight. Yes they did lose to a Division 2 team(or whatever they call that division) and they lost to Penn State. However, they did beat a decent Navy team (which beat Notre Dame the following week) and are in first place in their conference. Falling out of my rankings were Houston and USC. Check out all of my rankings here.

I published two more articles yesterday. I have two more articles which are pending. So far I have 12 articles published this month. I plan on writing at least three more articles. It is going to be a busy week as I have a couple of meetings as well. A free lance gig I was excited about a while back which had grown cold is warming up again. So the future looks pretty bright.

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