Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Thanksgiving is a time to reflect on what you are thankful for and sometimes it is easier to find than others.

I am thankful for the opportunity to help with Hope Alive. I am glad we are able to help all of the woman and children which we do help. I am thankful for the positive people I have met through Hope Alive.

I am thankful I am not homeless. I am humble enough to know I don't have much. I am thankful for all the blessings in my life. I am aware I am only a few steps away from being homeless.

I am thankful I have food to eat and so does my family. I am thankful I am able to help people through SHARE. I am thankful for the people I have met through SHARE.

I am thankful for my daughter. I am thankful she is healthy and beautiful. I am thankful for her mother, who helped create this beautiful child with me. I am thankful for the blessing to have such a beautiful child.

I am thankful for my stepson. I am thankful he is bright. I am thankful he is healthy (for the most part). I hope I have helped him, I have tried. I wish it was easier. I am thankful he likes to read. I am thankful he was able to win a writing award for being a gifted writer. I am thankful for the positive things we have heard about him. I am thankful that we have the future. We have a chance to unlock horns and improve are relationship. I am thankful he has a dad. I am glad he able to do things with his dad, just like I am thankful for the times I have been able to do things with him. I am thankful he was able to have a great birthday. I am thankful for his mom, since she is my wife as well. I am thankful he likes music. I am thankful he gets to travel. I am glad he is having a better school year so far. I am thankful he is able to take the gifted classes he takes.

I am thankful for the people who have helped us. I am thankful for the people I have helped. I am thankful for the little words of advice which mean a whole lot. I am thankful for the things I take for granted everyday. I am thankful for the things I never have said thanks for, or at least not to the right person.

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