Thursday, November 19, 2009

How do you end the homeless problem?

I went to a workshop tonight in Frederick on helping the homeless. I know homelessness is not confined to Frederick. I know it is in Hagerstown, from volunteering at the cold weather shelter. I have seen the homeless in Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington DC. I am pretty sure it happens where you live.

It is National Homeless Awareness Week, that is why my last two blogs have been spent on this topic. It is an important topic and you and I are only a few small steps of being homeless.

There were people from social services, churches and organizations trying to solve the homeless problem. The question I have is how to we end homelessness?

It is more of a question to reflect on, there isn't a simple answer. Well, there is house them. Simple, short answer until you get the how questions, the where questions and so on. Hopefully we will find an answer.

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