Thursday, August 20, 2009

next sport: rock climbing?

Well this summer I have been doing more hiking. Well, I wanted to get in better shape and it is pretty cheap. Especially, when you live as close to the trails as I do. This is very good in these economic times. I want to do more fishing, heck I want to do a whole lot more.

If I had more money, time, and all I think a sport I would pick up is rock climbing. I've been repelling, I have done a climbing wall, and I have done a bit of caving. There are some great rocks to climb close to me..

Also the sport is growing because there are more places to climb indoors. That is pretty cool. People can use it for fitness or improve their skills. They also don't have to worry about the weather.

If you live close to Washington or Baltimore(or plan to visit there) I wrote an article about some of the indoor rock climbing areas nearby. Check out the article here.

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