Tuesday, April 21, 2009

A Day at the Circus

Over the weekend I took my two year old daughter to the circus. I had planned to take her to a smaller circus a couple of weeks ago but some how those plans did not work out. Saturday, we decided to have a family day and I was able to get tickets to Barnum and Bailey's Greatest Show on Earth circus.

The circus had two acts, an intermission, and last about 2 and a half hours. I was impressed the circus was able to keep my daughter's attention for the most part. She just turned 2 this month so it was a bit long for her. However, she was really into the first half. It was a joy to be able to watch the circus with her and from her point of view. She is an awesome daughter, it was so nice of her to share the experience with me "look daddy, look."

The clowns were entertaining. It was her first chance to see real live tigers and elephants. They also had puppies and horses which are two of my daughters favorite animals all that was missing for her was cows. All and all it was a pleasant evening.

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