Saturday, August 16, 2008

Quick Falls: Clemens and Bonds

What a difference a year makes. Last year Roger Clemens was playing his half season of baseball pitching for the New York Yankees. Now, I think Roger is really retired or buried underneath a big pile of baggage which found him over the off season. Last year about this time Barry Bonds became the Home Run King and now he is out of baseball.

I'm not surprised Roger Clemens is finally retired. He was among the top pitchers if not the best pitcher of my time. The baggage, the investigations, the alleged affairs, the dispute with the trainer that was a surprise. What's true? I don't know. I wish he was squeaky clean as a fan. He does do a lot of good things, helping out with the Astros prospects the last three spring trainings, and through his foundation. If he did do steroids or other performance enhancing substances, so what? He is a pro athlete not an amateur It was his profession. I'm sure my boss wouldn't mind if I took performance enhancing substances to improve my work. If it is illegal then have them face legal charges if they are caught. if it breaks the work rules have them suspended, which Clemens and Bonds never were. 354 wins, an 11 time All-Star, an MVP award, 7 Cy Young Awards, and 6 twenty win seasons equals a pretty darn good career. Source for stats.

Barry Bonds is the Home Run King in baseball. 762 home runs and a .298 career hitter is how it stands for Bonds. Bonds wants to play but no one wants him. Last year in a 126 games Barry knocked 28 home runs, drove in 66, scored 75 runs , batted .276. He is not suspended. Sure he is 44 years old, but he still puts up very respectable numbers. It is like baseball has said you have the record but now the playground is closed for you. His alleged PEDs used can't be the reason teams won't sign him. Several players who admitted they used PEDs or were found to have been using PEDs or allegedly used PEDs are still playing. So, why won't baseball let Barry play? Sure his knees are questionable but he could still produce. Salary? I haven't even heard him being offered the minimum salary. Could it be baseball doesn't like Barry Bonds? Or are they saying "Barry you have the single season record, you have the career record now, so we don't think your worth signing because you won't draw enough fans."

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