Saturday, June 14, 2008

Finding Missing Children

A friend of mine sent me a code to put up on my sites about finding missing children. I went a head and put it up on my blog. As a proud parent, I would be devastated if my daughter or stepson went missing. I know my wife would be devastated if anything happened to either one of them too. I imagine most parents would feel the same way. I will be glad to share the banner code with anyone who would like to add it to their site or blog just let me know. Hopefully, if enough people post these type of links, these children will be found and reunited with their family. I would have to belief being reunited with a lost child would be the greatest Father's Day gift for a father whose child is missing.


  1. Mike,
    Yes, I would like to get the banner code. You can contact me at the below address:

    merriedestefano [at] yahoo [dot] com

    Thanks so much! It's definitely a worthy cause.

    Merrie Destefano

  2. Merrie,

    Thanks for stopping by I just forwarded the code to you.

