Sunday, December 16, 2007

RE: Fixing the Site

I'm getting with the technology. I added a youtube link on the side. Featuring live footage from the 12/10/2007 Led Zeppelin reunion show. Which I have blogged about recently. I'll try to edit the feed from time to time to change it up. I'm going to get busy with ski season one of these days, but the way it looks now that may not be until January. The Holiday's are here and money is kind of tight. But like I said before we do have the blessings, and we do have a roof over our heads. Things could be a whole lot worse, and for way too many people. I brought two presents Friday for underprivileged kids. It is sad to think my humble gifts may be all they get this Holiday Season. And the homeless, where I live last night was yucky an ice storm and cold rain , and just think of the folks with no home, no shelter from the storm.

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