Friday, November 30, 2007

End of November

November's gone. November means I made it a year being married. Made it through Thanksgiving. It was pretty quiet this year. We cheated no home cooked meal, I bought a platter home from Boston Market. I ended up working overtime, putting some extra time in at the office. But, this Thanksgiving I had a lot to be Thankful for. My wife, we don't always see eye to eye, but she is on my side. Our adorable daughter. Yes it's tough. Our finances aren't where we would like them to be, and we did move to a house. But my daughter wakes up every morning with a smile. I wish I did, there is a lesson I could learn from her there. She's the best therapy, if I'm feeling down I can just spend some time with her and the blues are gone. Now I do make noise when I'm hungry, and I do get cranky when I'm sleepy just like her, it must be genetics. Then our house. We moved out of our apartment and out of Maryland. The house is in West Virginia. Very close to the Virginia border. The house was a good deal, closer to the suburbs of D.C and rail lines in case I decide to work in Washington. It''s secluded on a hill, the house is modest, probably not that much bigger than my apartment. However it sits on a little more than an acre and has some neat out buildings. So all and all this thanksgiving there was a lot to be thankful for, and yes I'm sure those are things during the year I complain about or take for granted from time to time. Rambling out of November and into December...

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