Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Battle of the Bands Results: Keith Urban wins with a shutout

 Keith Urban was the biggest name in my Battle he is the star. John Hiatt writes great songs but he isn't necessarily a household name. Davy Knowles might be a talented guitarist and as cool as it might be to open for Jeff Beck, I don't think our star would open for anyone. Our star didn't share any votes as Keith won 3-0. 

I like all three, they all have talent.  However we celebrate winners.

                                               "Start a Band" with Brad Paisley

"Blue Ain't Your Color"

"Wild Hearts"

Stay tuned I will have another Battle on October 1st.


CAAC said...


I could've sworn I put a vote in on this showdown but when I pop back over to see how I casted mine none was found. I know I stopped in or am I making that up? Oh well...had I voted then it would've no doubt been for Keith Urban. Thanks for reporting the results, my friend!

Stephen T. McCarthy said...


Too bad it was a shutout. I would have broken that up for you but, in good conscience, I just couldn't vote the other way.

I'll see ya at the next one, buddy!

~ D-FensDogG