Thursday, November 14, 2019

Battle of the Bands: Beating a Dead Horse Rock Candy

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Another Sammy Hagar inspired Battle of the Band, again going from the Montrose song catalog, maybe I am beating a dead horse.

However, I am going to add a new twist to my battle of the band post besides the original photo by me of Sammy. For the first time in my history of Battle of the Bands I am going to include a video on how to make Rock Candy.

The song by Montose

Battle of the Bands is pretty easy I will select a couple of covers, you listen to them and tell me which one you like the best. In about a week I count up the results and announce a winner in another post. Sometimes I'm a slacker and post the winner later but I am honest!

Contestant One: Lita Ford

Contestant Two:  Lee Aaron

I am letting the girls rock out on this Battle! Let me know which one you like the best!


CAAC said...


I used to make flavored hard candy for Christmas but haven't done that in a number of years. Rock candy never really appealed to me even though I think it's neat looking. My baby sister used to like it when she was little. :) I'm not quite sure why I like Lee Aaron best but he gets my vote. Part of the reason could be that contender #1's tempo was too slow to suit my ears. Good battle, my friend. Come by to vote in #BoTB Round 15 'Piece of My Heart' showdown!

Arlee Bird said...

Sorry, no rock candy for me. I wish, but not good for my teeth or diabetes.

I don't recall this song, but I never listened to much Montrose either.

Not especially a song that I care for, I thought Lita Ford's version stayed true to the original and was well executed.

Back in the eighties I did have some of Lee Aaron's albums on cassette and enjoyed her music. I think she puts a more interesting take to her rendition of this Montrose song. Give my vote to Lee Aaron.

Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out

Birgit said...

OK, I don't care much for either but I give it to the first gal who just sounded better to me overall. That rock candy is very colourful

John Holton said...

Lee Aaron not only sounded better than Lita Foird, she also sounded better than Montrose. She gets my vote.

Stephen T. McCarthy said...


Both recordings were pretty similar, so it's close to a toss-up for me. But I'll vote for LITA FORD, as I think the second version was a bit busier than it really needed to be.

~ Stephen
DogGtor of Alcohology &
King of Inebriation Nation

Debbie D. said...

Cool song! And both women did a good job, but Lita Ford's vocals sounded better, in my opinion. And, I loved the guitar riffs! A vote for Lita.