Monday, October 21, 2019

Monday's Music Moves Me: My Roadtrip Part Two

Monday's Music Moves Me is a freebie and I just scratched the surface of the music from my October road trip on my last 4 M post. Well let's get some more tunes!

Eric McFadden "While You Was Gone"

                                              What's better than Eric McFadden add Doug Wimbish on bass

Image may contain: 1 person, playing a musical instrument, guitar, night and hat

Pictures by me. Doug Wimbish is an incredible bassist who was in the roc band Living Colour. The band that hada hit with "Cult of Personality"

There was Jonathon Long to keep the guitar fireworks going..."Pray for Me"

The very talented Johnny Sansone was there "The Lord is Waiting and the Devil is Too"

The blues, swamp music might be enough for the Rocktober Fest too!



CAAC said...


Nice set of mewsic! These songs aren't only introductions but I think so are the artists. Of course, I'm horrible when it comes to knowing names. I wasn't sure how to describe these sounds other than being a gritty blues vibe but then I noticed your terminology, 'blues, swamp music' and I thought, "Yeah, that's purrfect! Thanks for sharing the dance floor with the 4M gang, my friend. Have a boogietastic week!

Kim@StormsAndStardust said...

Great selections! I especially loved Living Color.

I love just hitting shuffle on my phone on road trips; I sometimes hear songs I haven't heard in years.


Alana said...

Where I work in Binghamton, NY we have a "blues on the bridge" festival every September, free to the public (they raise money via T Shirt sales, raffles, etc.) these songs fit in perfectly. All were new to me except for "Cult of Personality" but I really enjoyed the Eric McFadden song, and the beginning of the Johnny Sansone song.

Stacy Uncorked said...

Oooh, nice choices, Mike! Thanks so much for the introduction and the dance! :)