Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Battle of the Bands:Runnin' with the Devil

The song title "Runnin' with the Devil" kind of has that Halloween feel to it. Van Helen and their song certainly fits Rocktober. There is a new cover that Eddie endorsed the other day out so there is hope for some contenders.

The original for your listening pleasure...

You know the deal. I choose a couple of contenders. You tell me (aka vote) which one you like the best in the comments. I count them up and sometimes we get a winner, sometimes it is a tie, and your vote always counts for something here.

Contender One: Jake E. Lee and friends

Contender Two: Jennifer Hope

What we have here is a straight out rock and roll cover of the song and a cover re-imagining the song. Well I hope you enjoy vote in the comments.


Debbie D. said...

Interesting battle! I'll have to go with Jake, though. The other one didn't appeal.

Stephen T. McCarthy said...

Well, that was certainly different!

"Runnin'" with the devil? Jake E. Lee sounded more like he was "Plodding" with the devil.

And Jennifer Hope - I'm not entirely sure *WHAT* she was doing with the devil, but I think maybe she was trying to seduce him.

I can't say that I actually liked her cover, but I'll vote for Jennifer simply because she did something very unusual with the song and tried to make it her own.

~ D-FensDogG

Arlee Bird said...

Not thrilled with the song but it's a rock classic. Jake E's version is faithful to the original and that band gets some points for that. But Jennifer Hope took the song to a whole different level and made sound like a different song. I'm giving Jennifer my vote and Hope she wins this match.

Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out

Mary B said...

At first I thought I was listening to the original (even though I didn't listen to it for comparison) and Jennifer Hope made the song so slow, it just doesn't do it justice. I'm going to have to give my vote to Jake E Lee and his buddies.

Birgit said...

I didn't mind Jennifer's rendition but it was a bit slow and meh. Jake gave a clear cut homage to the original and so he gets my vote

John Holton said...

Jennifer didn't impress me. I'll go with Jake E. Lee and friends.

CAAC said...


I'm sorry for the late visit but as you may know I'm on vacation with DH. I'm like John, Jennifer didn't impress me very much so I'm giving my vote to Jake E. Lee and friends. Their cover was closer to the original and everything in general just better. Have a good evening!

aisasami said...

I like the Jake E. Lee and friends version better. I am a sucker of 80s hair metal and it caught my ear!