Sunday, September 15, 2019

Battle of the Bands: For Money

After hearing Eddie Money had  passed away Sammy Hagar wished "every cover band to play an Eddie Money song tonight." These songs were recorded before his death but I did find a couple of covers. The song is "Take Me Home Tonight." If you want more Eddie Money check out this post here.

Eddie Money "Take Me Home Tonight" live from the Hollywood Casino and Races in Charles Town, WV December 2012. Not the very best recording, but somewhere in that crowd yours truly was lurking.

This one will sound better...

Enough about the song lets start the battle!

Contender One:  Jump Off

Contender Two: Every Avenue

Now it is your turn! Tell me who you liked the best Jump Off or Every Avenue in the comments. I will count up the votes and announce a winner in a week or so!


John Holton said...

There wasn't that much difference between them, but I got a better feel from Jump Off, so I'll go with them.

Arlee Bird said...

I ditto John's comment as well as a vote for Jump Off.

Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out

CAAC said...


I hadn't heard the mews about Eddie Money passing. Man, there's been so much loss this year! I'm giving my vote to Jump Off. By the way, I'm back in the BoTB lineup again so when you get a chance stop by to cast your ballot in my Stairway To Heaven showdown, my friend!

Birgit said...

I am casting my vote to Jump Off that just sounds cleaner to me and held my interest more. It's sad about Eddie Money and Rick O. from the Cars. I was surprised by Rick passing away

Debbie D. said...

Another sad loss! RIP Eddie Money. How cool that you saw him live! As for the battle, both covers seemed similar, but Jump Off sounded a little better, so please give my vote to them.
Come on by and cast a vote in my BOTB, as well. Cheers!

Stephen T. McCarthy said...


Aww, gee! I didn't know that Eddie Money just recently passed on. I was never a huge fan of his but he did have a few songs that I've always loved a lot. Kinda sad that he's gone.

As John said, there's not much difference between these two covers - neither of them strayed in any notable way from the Eddie Money original - and since I could vote for either one of these two covers as much as I could the other one, I'm going to cast my vote for EVERY AVENUE, just to insure that you don't wind up with a shutout on your hands.

~ D-FensDogG