Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Battle of the Bands: Summertime Blues Part 2

The layout on this battle of the bands is going to be pretty basic. I am doing this post on my phone so I appologize if I have more typos than normal. Besides the thunderstorms knocking the wi fi out on my laptop, I have also managed to crack the screen. Talk about the Summertime Blues. Anyway I am sticking with the same song as last time since the results ended in a tie. Maybe we will have a winner this time but that is up to your votes in the comments.

Opponent One: Alan Jackson

Opponent Two: Brian Setzer

I think these two are about as far from Blue Cheer or The Who that I could get. Let me know what version you like in the comments and I will have the results later this month.


Debbie D. said...

Hi Mike; What a drag to have connection problems! Anyway, I hope you're having a good summer, otherwise. Alan Jackson was too "countrified" for my taste (not a huge fan of country music). Brian Setzer really revved it up! Please give my vote to him. Cheers!

CAAC said...


Summer thunderstorms can cause problems besides fast growing lawns. :)

You picked two very good covers but I think I'm with Debbie. Alan Jackson is too country-ish for my ears and Brian Setzer rockin' vibes put the groove in my move. Please give my vote to Brian Setzer. Whenever you get a second, please stop by to vote in my latest BoTB!


Arlee Bird said...

Easy choice for me right from the starting gate. Setzer captures the spirit of the original version, Jackson makes it sound like the song should sound. He gives it a Cajun flavor the way I hear it.

A vote for Alan Jackson.

Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out

Mary B said...

Hey Mike!

Sorry to hear of your wifi and laptop woes. If you are like me, you really despise having to use the phone for your internet stuffs. My phone crashes within 2 minutes of being unplugged from the charger - and last week, my computer started crashing. YIKES. Thankfully, I've managed to bring my computer back to life without losing too much data.

My vote is for Alan Jackson. If you ever get a chance to see him in concert - it's well worth it!

Birgit said...

I am not a lover of country so my vote goes to Brian Setzer who gives it that more authentic vibe with that blues sound.

Stephen T. McCarthy said...

Great Battle, MIKE!

First of all, I applaud your tenacity! I like the fact that you came back with the same song, having been unable to get a winner in your last contest. If at first you don't succeed...

Also, as much as I didn't care for the versions by Blue Cheer and The Who last time, conversely, that's how much I DID like BOTH of these recordings. I could happily vote for either one of these.

I guess I'll go with BRIAN SETZER because I think, in the final analysis, it's really a Rock 'N' Roll song, with all that pent-up teen angst and frustration and rebellion against authority figures. It's in its more natural habitat when it's presented in fifth gear with a stronger drum beat. But like I said, I thought both were good and I was surprised to find I liked a "Modern" Country artist as much as I did. (When it comes to Country, I'm really a classic Outlaw Country type -- gimme Waylon & Willie & the boys.) But this was cool.

Nice comeback, Brother! And I hope you can declare a winner this time.

~ D-FensDogG
Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends

Michele at Angels Bark said...

I like Alan Jackson's version best. That one had me movin'. I like the "down-home" sound. My vote goes to Alan...

Michele at Angels Bark