Sunday, July 15, 2018

Battle of the Bands (and Ice Cream) : I'm Your Ice Cream Man!

It's summertime and time for fun!Well On my last Battle of the Bands Stephen commented "Ordinarily, I would vote for Haagen-Dazs. But since they weren't an option this time." Well I can accommodate! I read on Facebook today is National Ice Cream Day. After fact checking on google and confirming today is National Ice Cream Day I thought it would be fun to add another Battle. Battle of your favorite Ice Cream! Same as the Battle of the Bands just comment with your favorite brand, flavor in the comments and I will total the votes up. 

Picture from

Back to the Battle of the Bands song battle today's song is...

"Ice Cream Man" known mainly from Van Halen's cover version...

I'll let you vote from these contenders!

Contender One: Martin Sexton

Contender Two: John Brim

Vote for the one you like in the comments. You can vote for Martin Sexton and John Brim. I will be back with the results in a few days. In the mean time enjoy your ice cream!


Stephen T. McCarthy said...

FUN BATTLE, MIKE! (I'm glad and honored one of my off-the-wall comments could inspire an entire BOTB contest!)

I had to listen to both recordings twice -- Two Scoops! -- because they were so good. BTW, many years ago, some guy gave me the nickname "Two Scoops" because I love ice cream so damned much! (There is no bad ice cream, just good, better and best.)

If I remember correctly (about a 50/50% chance), I think John Brim is actually the bloke what wrote the song 'Ice Cream Man'. His version (or original?) is really good, and I dig the harmonica in it. But I think I'm gonna have to cast my vote for MARTIN SEXTON. He just seemed to be having a whole lotta fun with it. (Not to be confused with "Whole Lotta Love" -- although THAT can be fun, too.)

As for my favorite ice cream, man... I love them all like they are children of mine. But there's always a "favorite son", and mine is... Haagen-Dazs' [Link> BOURBON PRALINE PECAN. Read the reviews online there if you doubt me when I say it's #1.

Of course, no one who doesn't like the flavor of Bourbon is going to like this ice cream -- it seems to be an "all or nuttin'" proposition -- but if you DO like Bourbon (and pecans), you will LOVE this flavor. It's exceptional -- my favorite of all time.

The Bad And Good News Is...
Bad: Haagen-Dazs' [Link> BOURBON PRALINE PECAN is very hard to find. They had it for about a month in the store next door to where I live -- I call that store "Ghetto Groceries" -- but after I and a few other folks bought up all their pints, they never got it in again. And I haven't been able to find it in any other store I've shopped since then.

Good: However, if this particular ice cream were readily available, I would gain 300 pounds in less than 300 days!

Those bastards at Haagen-Dazs got me hooked on this new drug and now I can't seem to score any more of it here in "The Biggest Little Ghetto In The World". I'm going through withdrawals as I type!

Very neat Battle idea, Mike!

~ D-FensDogG
STMcC Presents 'Battle Of The Bands'

Arlee Bird said...

Don't recall ever hearing this song--not even the Van Halen version.

Brim is good, but I prefer the solid sound of Martin Sexton.

Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out

Mike said...

Stephen you are correct Brim wrote the song

Stephen T. McCarthy said...

MIKE, every so often I surprise myself by getting something right.

~ D-FensDogG
STMcC Presents 'Battle Of The Bands'

CAAC said...


I LOVE ice cream and can eat it 365 days if I'd let myself. Gosh, why can't the things I love have to have so many darn calories? I wish I had the metabolism of a 20-something me again. The whole I'm getting older thing really stinks royally!

My vote goes to MARTIN SEXTON. He not only seemed to enjoy covering the song but I loved his vocals and mewsic style best. Fun battle!

Debbie D. said...

Interesting battle! I don't remember hearing this song before, not even Van Halen's version. So, John Brim's version is the original recording? It was good, but Martin Sexton had a fuller sound and I liked that a bit better. Please give my vote to Martin Sexton. As for ice cream, I don't eat a lot of it, but when I do it's usually orange sherbet or plain old vanilla (embellished with something - chocolate sauce or whipped cream or both).

Mary B said...

I like this battle!

I love ice cream and could eat it for days. I love all the flavors - with the exception of Licorice and Spumoni. Those two flavors I can do without. My go-to flavor that you just can't go wrong with is Cookies and Cream.

For the music part of the battle, I'm going with Martin Sexton. It just sounded a lot more fun!

Jingle Jangle Jungle

Birgit said...

Give me John Brim because I love his bluesy style. It just sounds original and straightforward. As for ice cream, when I cheat I go to the classic-chocolate!

Michele at Angels Bark said...

what a fun battle Mike! I haven't heard Ice Cream Man in soooo long! That was really cool to hear that again. And yes, it certainly is ice cream weather! I love me some Creamy Creations "Intense White Chocolate" or Central Market's "Coconut Ginger". And to bring it home with my third favorite is almost any brand of cherry vanilla with big hunks of cherry iin it. Nothing else. I'm a smooth ice cream gal. I don't care for a bunch of "stuff" in mine. Keep it smmooth!

As for your battle, please give my vote to Martin Sexton! His version really got me. And now I'm gonna go feed the dogs and dig up some ice cream!

Have a great rest of the weekend,

Michele at Angels Bark