Friday, April 13, 2018

Blogging from A to Z 2018: L is for Lynyrd Skynyrd

A lot of classic Rock bands are throwing in the towel.  Lynyrd Skynyrd  is one of them. The band down to one original member but the band has been going strong with a revolving cast of characters. Well today's letter is L so why not celebrate from Skynyrd...

                                                       "Gimme Back My Bullets"

Perhaps my favorite song by them "Simple Man"

Sometimes you need to ask someone to "Gimme Three Steps"

                                             and the anthems "Freebird"...

                                                             and "Sweet Home Alabama"




Janet said...

We've seen them several times in concert. It is amazing that they have gone on so long with dwindling originals.

Janet’s Smiles

CAAC said...


I can't think of a better 'L' band to feature for your A to Z Challenge theme than Lynyrd Skynyrd. You had me rockin' with these tunes, some and some not. Thanks for visiting iPad Art Sketch 'L' is for Lamppost on Friday. I'm playing catch up this morning. Have a great week and happy A2Zing!